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If you are running a soccer tournement within Ireland, Northern Ireland or in your country and you would like to promote it, send us the details with links and we will add your details to this page, this is a free service open to Clubs or Tournement organisers. Please send your details to the club on



Knowsley - Liverpool Cup 2004

We are currently in the process of promoting the 2004 BT Liverpool-Knowsley International Youth Soccer Tournament (27 July - 1 August 2004) The tournament is a Premier Youth Soccer Tournament held in Liverpool,England.

We have U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16 & U18 Boys sections and U12, U14, U18 girl's and Open Age women's sections. All games are played on top quality grass pitches. A full social programme is also provide for visiting teams during the tournament week. A free shuttle transport service is also provided between the tournament accommodation and the soccer pitches throughout the week.

The tournament corresponds with the build up to the FA Premier League and visiting teams are also given the opportunity to see a number of Premier League pre-season fixtures.

If you would like to be added to the tournament contact database please reply to this e-mail stating clearly: (1) Team Name (2) Age Group (3) Contact Person (4) Full Postal Address (5) Country (6) E-mail Address (7) Contact Telephone Number

Also, if you would like to receive the Accommodation Information (choices/ prices) via email, Please respond to this email by putting ' Accommodation Info Request' in the subject bar.

Please contact the Tournament Office for any other information you may require.

Best Wishes

Eddy Jennings

Events Officer BT Liverpool-Knowsley International Youth Soccer Tournament Office

Tel: + 44 151 443 3925

Fax: + 44 151 443 3924



Palencia Cup'2004 Palencia del 8 al 11 de Abril de 2004 - Palencia 8th to 11th, April XV Copa Internacional Amistad

XV International Friendship Cup

Palencia del 4 al 10 de Julio de 2.004 - Palencia 4th to 10th, July San Antolín Cup'2004

Palencia del 19 al 22 de Agosto de 2.004 - Palencia 19th to 22nd, August

For more information about the International Football (soccer) Tournaments and other activities that our Club organizes in Spain in the year 2004, please contact us.

Click here for more information on the Spain Cup

Teléfono-Phone: (+34)661.334.710 - (+34)979.730.487 Fax: (+34)979.730.487


The Mardyke Cup 2004

Sunday 8th August - Thursday 12th August Schoolboy Invitational Soccer Tournament


Matches are to be played at the University College Cork Soccer Complex which boasts superb full size, first class pitches. Full length eleven a side games will be played at all stages of the competition. The organisers aim is to offer each team four games.

Link to the Mardyke Cup Site

The Foyle Cup 2004

The Foyle Cup2004 tournament is scheduled to take place July 6th - 10th 2004. Please visit the Foyle Cup site for more info.

Link to the Foyle Cup Site

The Northern Ireland Milk Cup is one of Europe's premier youth soccer tournaments attracting teams from all over the world.

22nd International Youth Football Tournament Sunday 18th July to Saturday 24th July 2004

Elite Section - Born on or after 1st January 1985
Premier Section - Born on or after 1st January 1987
Junior Section - Born on or after 1st January 1989
Closing entry dates for application to enter: 31st January 2004
Northern Ireland entry into the Premier and Junior Sections is restricted to the County teams.

The Elite Section is by invitation only.

For further details and applications, contact: J.E. Weir , 15 Beechgrove Rise, Belfast BT6 0NH Telephone No: (028) 9079 4677 Fax: (028) 9079 4677 or (028) 7032 6529 Email: jim.sandford@which.net

Link to the Milk Cup Site